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Meet the animals that call Reiki Ranch® their forever home.

Certified Reiki Courses & Animal Reiki Certification
Love, empathy, and compassion is something that is to be shared.
Reiki is a modality that is capable of allowing us to do just that.

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Age: 24

Breed: Appaloosa 

Rescue Name: Focus Rescue & Rehabilitation

Story: Blind horse, owner unable to provide care due to health issues, loss of pasture, and financial burdens.

Personality: Extremely gentle, cautious, and mindful of your presence - loves his neck scratched, and is wonderful to ride :)


Age: 23

Name: Beamer

Breed: Morgan

Rescue Name: Happy Trails

Story: Retired Amish horse due to leg injury

Personality: Super sweet boy, extremely patient with a gentle, and loving spirit. He loves treats and wants all the attention, and likes to be first:)

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Age: 22

Breed: Paint

Rescue Name: Focus Rescue & Rehabilitation

Story: Pasture mate for a blind horse, owner unable to provide care due to health issues, loss of pasture, and financial burdens.

Personality: Warm heart, gentle to work though she can get a little spice in her pants and loves to race around. She needs to be fed breakfast first, would like to be the boss but she lets Beamer take the lead:)

Meet the Animals: Meet the Team

Atticus & Finch

Age: 6

Breed: Potbelly pigs

Rescue Name: Happy Trails 

Story: Rescued off the side of a hill underweight, and in poor condition

Personality: Known around here as the Buddies they are full of joy and will come running with tails wagging when called for a treat, they love treats! They like belly rubs, to play in the pool, and hang out with the dogs, they can be quite a mischievous pair:)

Lizzy & Dozer

Age: 14 & 9

Breed: Vietnamese Potbelly Pig’s

Rescue Name: Riggies Rescue

Story: Dozer and Lizzy both came from unprepared owners; in need of veterinarian and dietary attention

Personality: Both are friendly, vocal, and social they free-range and come running when called. They are both big fans of a belly rub, but Lizzy likes to be sung to while she is having her time:)

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Team Chick'ers

Age: 1+

Personality: Friendly, happy free-range chickens will come and follow me when I call:) Every day is an egg hunt here on the ranch.

Meet the Animals: Meet the Team


Age: 9

Breed: Lab

Personality: The bulldozer of Love; Onyx is sweet and sensitive, like all labs he Loves to eat a little too much. He is very observant and pays close attention to everyone in the room, he is a good brother and takes great care of his sister Malu who has had 2 strokes but has recovered wonderfully :)


Age: 8

Breed: Great Dane

Personality: She is very loving and believes herself to be a small lap dog. Malu likes to give hugs even when not invited to do so (you’ve been warned, Lol). She loves to sit, lay, and snuggle with you -or- on you whatever room allows for:) 

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Mr. Fluff

Age: 4

Personality: The cleanest, friendliest farm kitty around, he loves milk/water, to be held, carried, and to follow everyone around the farm:)

Fluff is the ranch’s official tour guide!

Meet the Animals: Meet the Team
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Age: 17

Breed: Holstine

Animal Sanctuary: Rehome

Story: We were contacted by a gentleman that was retiring from hosting an animal sanctuary. Due to his advanced age, he was sadly no longer able to provide the care she required. 

Personality: This 1 TON bundle of love is nosy, funny, playful, stubborn, and loves just to hang out with people. She is shockingly fast, loves scratches, brushing, and kisses.*She thinks she is small, graceful, and can easily fit through tight spaces :)

Meet the Animals: Meet the Team
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