Reiki Ranch® Ohio
As a life-long learner, I am committed to continuing my own education in order to provide students and clients with a quality, professional experience. It is my pledge to provide all education, collaboration, and Reiki treatments with the utmost integrity.
Providing quality education in a comfortable, secure setting where students can grow emotionally and mentally, supplying quality manuals, and teaching all content in a clear and organized fashion.
Certifying in all levels of Usui/Holy Fire® III Training and
Animal Reiki Certification.
The Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki I & II Certified course is eligible for 12 Clinical Contact hours through the American Holistic Nurses Association. AHNA Provider #1712 valid through 1/5/25
Working in collaboration with doctors, veterinarians, therapists, holistic health care providers, and the family to benefit the whole person or animal.
Supporting local nonprofit charities with 10% of course profits. Reiki courses focus on charity for animal rescues, and Get Real Mindful Eating courses concentrate on food pantry charities. We are dedicated to giving and positively impacting the surrounding communities.
Celebrating all those who give so much of themselves: everyday first responders, nurses, doctors, teachers, and all public service providers. I am offering $10 off any Reiki services.
Building a caring and supportive community of wellness business owners, as well as naturopathic, holistic, and Reiki practitioners. Growing individually together for the greater good.
Providing present and complete attention to the client’s comfort and wellbeing. Whether the client is a human or a horse, has two legs or four, the client always comes first!
Reiki is intended as a personal practice first and foremost. One that can promote great stress relief, mindfulness, and peace within oneself lending way in part to whole-person health.
Love, empathy, and compassion is something that is to be shared. This is a modality that is capable of allowing us to do just that.

Our Story
Our large blended family had been dreaming of making a change and living the farm life for quite some time. The wheels started turning as my bonus son was looking for a worthy Eagle Scout project. My husband and he connected with Happy Trails Animal Rescue to build a run-in for their horses and when the project was completed we all were invited for a visit. After that visit, it was unanimous that when we found our farm we would adopt rescued animals and provide a sanctuary to animals in need and become their loving forever home.
In May of 2016, we acquired our little piece of heaven on earth, opening the doors and bringing life to a long-awaited dream. “Reiki Ranch”. We adopted 2 pigs; Atticus and Finch “brothers”, and 4 horses; Katie and Beamer from Happy Trails, then Mr. T, and Willow with the support and guidance of Rebecca owner of Focus Rescue and Rehabilitation. Next, we expanded with a calling from Riggi’s Rescue with a plump pair of potbelly pigs not to mention our 2 pre-existing dogs Malu and Onyx, 6 farm cats, and chickens, hoping to be blessed with whatever God sends our way and in the appropriate time.
This brings us to the current day as I’m gaining experience and routine as a farm mom. It is now time to slowly move into phase two as we open our home and farm to welcome Reiki and Holistic students, providing all levels of Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki, Animal Reiki courses utilizing The Center for Reiki Training workbooks, and hosting Holistic based education.
Providing quality education in a comfortable secure setting where students can grow emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Whether you are coming for a course or a session, Reiki Ranch® Ohio
provides an optimal environment for your body, mind, and spirit to refresh itself.
Start your journey here...

Contact Info:
8322 State Route 305 Garrettsville, OH 44231
330-861-3601 Text for quickest response, or please leave a voicemail.

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master
Holy Fire III® Karuna Reiki® Master
ICRT Animal Reiki Master
Affiliate Member of the RMA